From early beginning of the design process and during the project development, we can intervene with different types of integrated software’s that are capable to take into account variables apparently belonging to different categories (thermal, visual, individual perception of temperature, etc..) with the aim of determining the performance of a building, room or even a single wall thus allowing an “ad hoc” dimensioning of the systems.
Used software has successfully passed the ASHRAE Test (former Best Test) and it represents one of the most advanced and reliable solutions available nowadays, which is used to examine thermo-dynamical behavior of the buildings.
The simulations show thermo-physical behavior of the building even in the presence of climate treatment systems, taking into account internal and external loads, sun, shades and wind and also information based on meteorological data and actual external environmental conditions.
These external environmental data come from satellite measurements and are taken from the database “Weather Data Source of U.S. Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”, specifically for each location in the country.
Simulation of Natural Ventilation, Ecclesiastic complex S. Madre Teresa di Calcutta Milan Italy
Radiance simulation, Velodrome Maspes Vigorelli, Milan, Italy

Simulation of Natural Ventilation, Italian Pavilion, EXPO 2015 Milan Italy