ENERGO’s Energy Audit is a systematic procedure that provides a deep understanding of the energy consumption of a building in order to identify and quantify the opportunities for savings.

Our Energy Audit includes:
- Diagnosis report: The report of all data that are related to the consumption of the building, basic needs
and an analysis of the system in which they are installed: - Measurement of the thermophysical and structural analysis of building
- Thermographic report
- The detection and the analysis of energy systems and their operating status
- Analysis of the maintenance operation status
- The evaluation of energy consumption
- The analysis and the verification of thermal and insulation systems
- The analysis and the verification of BMS
- Studies of the interactions occupants vs. energy system
- Interventions Report: List of all the solutions for the optimization of energy usage, highlighting
through energy simulations, the target consumer and the actions to be undertaken on the systems and facilities for obtaining it
Energo’s Energy Audit is according with ASHRAE Level III Energy Audit
Our Energy Audit Procedure according with ASHRAE III Energy Audit

Review of building systems and operation procedures generating a list of specific questions and issues to
be discussed during the further visit to the facility developing a list of potential Energy Conservation
Measures (ECMs) and Operation and Maintenance (O&Ms) Measures
Is a tour of facilities to visually inspect each of energy consumption, it is the least costly audit level but can give a preliminary estimate of potential savings and provide a list of low-cost improvements. It is an opportunity to collect information for a more detailed audit later
During this activity, we take pictures and thermographies as we walk through the building included mechanical equipment, lighting, interior workspaces, common areas and halls, and the exterior including the roo
This level of an audit goes on to quantify energy uses and losses through a more detailed review and analysis
of equipment, systems, and operational characteristics. It consists of an analysis and detailed review of the
walk-through audit data including
- The analysis of equipment system and operational characteristics
- Measurement on site and testing
- The analysis and the verification of thermal and insulation systems
- Studies of the interaction between the occupants vs. the energy system
- Calculation of the Energy Use Index (kWh/m2/year), EUI can be a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A comparatively low EUI indicates less potential for large energy savings.
Even more comprehensive evaluation of energy use patterns, Energo develops a dynamic computer Energy simulation of a building and building systems that will account for weather and other variables. It is a
comparison between the base-building subject of audit and what-if scenarios which can represent changes to
improve the efficiency of various systems and measured effects compared to the baseline.
Organize all collected data, photos, notes, charts. Put comments about existing situation and recommend saving options to reduce energy consumption.
Main references:
- Embassy of Canada to Serbia – Belgrade Serbia 4.500 sqm
- USCE Shopping Center, Belgrade, Serbia – 120.000 sqm. – Energy-saving performed: 16,52% LEED EBOM Certified
- Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy – 14.000 sqm – Energy-saving performed: 29,74%
- Italian Embassy – Belgrade, Serbia – 4200 sqm – Energy-saving performed: 14%
- UNICEF Office Building Belgrade Serbia – 1.300 sqm
- ALLIANZ Global Investors GmbH Building Milano Via Durini, 1 Energy audit as per ASHRAE 1st, 2nd, 3rd level and EU Directive 2012/27/CE
- SYNOPSYS Agrate Brianza (Centro Colleoni) Milan Italy Energy audit as per ASHRAE 1st, 2nd, 3rd level and EU Directive 2012/27/CE
- Famagosta Building Via Famagosta Milan Italy Energy Audit and Building Energy Modelling for the Milan’s Court as per ASHRAE 1st, 2nd, 3rd level